RADICAL IDEASThis page is a collection of examples of ideas that gained widespread acceptance but took a lot of time to do it or met a lot of resistance, or both. If you know of other examples (especially in fields outside science), or more information about the examples I have given, please let me know. Please indicate where relevant information can be found (web page links, references to books etc). Link: Journal of Radical Ideas
Early examplesThomas Kuhn writes (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, p 150): "Copernicanism made few converts for almost a century after Copernicus' death. Newton's work was not generally accepted, particularly on the Continent, for more than half a century after the Principia appeared. Priestley never accepted the oxygen theory, nor Lord Kelvin the electromagnetic theory, and so on." The story of Georg Cantor's frustrations in getting his mathematical ideas about infinities accepted is well told by John Barrow in Pi in the Sky. A landmark paper in immunologyThis example is described in The War Within, an excellent book about the immune system by William R Clark. Three researchers, Bruce Glick, Timothy Chang and George Jaap, wrote what was later recognised as a landmark paper in immunology that was rejected as "uninteresting" by the prestigious journal Science. It was finally published in the journal Poultry Science where it languished for some years before its importance was spotted and it became very widely quoted. Poultry Science is, no doubt, an excellent journal in that sphere of interest but it is not a natural home for a landmark paper in immunology. The theory of continental drift (plate tectonics)A popular example is Wegener's theory of continental drift - now called 'plate tectonics'. This idea initially met enormous resistance and derision before it became generally accepted - after 50 years! This story is well told on several web pages including Alfred Lothar Wegener: Moving continents. A relatively full account is provided in Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics: a Revolution in Earth Sciences, Chapter 29 of Revolution in Science by J Bernard Cohen (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985, pp 446-466). ApoptosisApoptosis - programmed cell death - is now widely accepted as an important mechanism in physiology, including the control of cancer. Ricki Lewis in "The Dance Of Cell Death" (The Scientist 9(3), 1995, www.the-scientist.com) writes: "Developmental biologists have long been familiar with cell death in carving a vertebrate's digits and in insect metamorphosis. But today's cell-death community credits a paper by University of Edinburgh researcher Andrew Wyllie and his colleagues as the seminal work in the field (J.F.R. Kerr, A.H. Wyllie, A.R. Currie, British Journal of Cancer 26, 239-57, 1972). They coined the term apoptosis, writing that it plays 'a complementary but opposite role to mitosis in the regulation of animal cell populations.' "The paper created little excitement initially. 'It was just one of those things in the literature that stayed dormant for 10 to 15 years. Then it was gradually rediscovered and gained recognition as a generally important mechanism,' reports L. Maximilian Buja, chairman of the department of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston." Sir Frank Whittle and the jet engineAs is well-known, Sir Frank Whittle faced enormous resistance to his proposals for developing the jet engine. Given that it could have helped to shorten World War II, that resistance is regrettable. Some of the history may be found at http://www.midlandairmuseum.org.uk/thejet.html. Andrew Wiles and Fermat's last theoremAndrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's last theorem is not a case of delayed recognition but it illustrates the difficulties that can stand in the way of developing radical ideas. As described by Simon Sing in his book, Femat's Last Theorem, Andrew Wiles, in the seven years that it took him to complete his proof of Fermat's last theorem, had to produce several relatively trivial publications that were really a distraction from the main project. He felt the need to produce these publications to satisfy relevant authorities that he was not wasting his time or public money. Francis Crick and the structure of DNAAs described by James Watson in his book, The Double Helix, his partner, Francis Crick, was put under a lot of pressure to stop wasting his time on the project that led to the discovery of the now widely accepted structure for DNA. David Jewitt and the discovery of the Kuiper beltWith Jane Luu, David Jewitt discovered the first Kuiper belt object in 1992 and subsequently identified dozens of additional belt members in a series of pioneering wide field surveys. In an autobiography (PDF), he says "It was easy [in the late 1980s] to find main-belt asteroids interior to Jupiter but, again and again, we detected nothing at larger distances. With planetary astronomy then at the bottom of the astronomical barrel, the Hawaii telescope time allocation committee soon grew tired of my requests for more observing time. So, under false but necessary pretenses, I obtained time for other projects and then used it for the survey. Similarly, NASA rejected my proposals to fund the work, so I diverted money allocated for other purposes to maintain the SMO survey, possibly illegally. This went on for years." QUOTES FROM THE EXPERTS (courtesy of Wayne Lundberg in newsgroup alt.inventors)"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."--Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."--Thomas
Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943. "You want to have consistent and uniform muscle development across all
of your muscles? It can't be done. It's just a fact of life. You just have to
accept inconsistent muscle development as an unalterable condition of weight
training."--Response to Arthur Jones, who solved the "unlovable"
problem by inventing Nautilus. Last updated:
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